Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I know I don't post here much...

but I thought this was really important so the more places I can write about it the better.

I saw this post this morning that clued me in that there is currently a bill being proposed that would ban food and drink advertising to children in Ontario. I strongly suggest you read the linked post. It's fairly informative of the reasons for this bill and highlights the arguments against it.

I think this is a great idea for many reasons. First, children do not have buying power and it's up to their parents to make purchasing decisions. However, a lot of parents are swayed by children's "I WANT IT!!!!"s. Young children do not understand the difference between an advertisement and fact and do not need to be sold on junky foods billed as 'part of a complete breakfast'.

I think it's despicable that any advertising is directed at children at all. It's manipulative and serves only to make them beg their parents for stuff and make them feel less-than when they don't get everything they want.

So I wrote to my MP.

Mr. McNeely,

It has come to my attention that Ontario New Democrat Rosario Marchese introduced a private members bill that if passed would ban advertising of food and drinks to children under 13. As one of your constituents, I would like to voice my complete approval of this bill and I hope that you will do everything you can to support it.

Children are unable to distinguish truth from advertising and the last thing they need is to be manipulated by Big Food Companies into believing that sugary cereals and fruit flavoured candies are actually healthy. I think such advertisements work against parents efforts at instilling their children with a good knowledge of healthy eating and active lifestyle. It's unfortunate that this manipulation of children has gone on as long as it has.

As an expectant mother, I look forward to seeing this bill passed.



If you support this proposal, and are a resident of Ontario, I urge you to write your MP. If they get enough positive feedback for this, they will push it forward.

For a list of Ontario MPPs click here. If you don't know your electoral district you can click here.

Not long after the original email, the following exchange took place between us.

Tiana, Congratulations on your support for this bill. I have not seen it but certainly the objectives that you state are the objectives for all those who want to improve the opportunities for our children. Keep up your advocacy for these important issues. I will obtain a copy of the bill and review it. Phil McNeely

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

and my response


Thanks for the response. I'd be happy to hear what you think about it once you have the chance to review it.


and his re-response

I will get back to you before it comes up in Legislature. Phil

I think we're best friends now yes?

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